Saturday, January 3, 2009


2009 is going to be a GREAT NEW YEAR! I just sense that God is really going to be good to us this year. Of course, God is GOOD all the time! Above are three special guests that blessed our church and home for our New Year's Celebration. From left to right, our youngest son, Aaron flew in from China, and two of his special friends Eric and Laura Arnason from Lake Orion, Michigan drove down for the Holiday. Yesterday, the Arnason's treated the Burns' family to a special lunch at the Main Street Ice Cream Parlor here in Van Wert. Aaron has been busy helping us design a "coffee shop" in part of our new church lobby for fellowship in between services, and Eric played his guitar and led our songs and testimonies at our Watch night service here at Liberty Baptist on New Year's Eve.

I'm horrible with New Year's resolutions. I start out running the "sprint" with them and fizzle out before the end of January! So, why not make some New Year's Goals this year? See it big and keep it simple. As a Christian and a Pastor, my New Year's prayer and some goals are for me to: a. Have a greater passion for Christ, b. A renewed boldness to share Christ with needy people every week, and c. Honor my wife, family, and church with a renewed dedication. Put your goals on paper and pray over them regularly. Let's bind together to do this, and ask God to give us the strength and endurance to follow through with whatever His will and plan is for each of our lives. Please pray for me as I desire to fulfill my three goals for 2009.

I'm Jim Burns and that's Something to Think About!

Happy New Year!