Sunday, January 5, 2014

Winter Snow Fun in N. W. Ohio!

It's Jan. 5, 2014, Sunday evening about 5:30 here in Van Wert, Ohio.  The "near" blizzard of the decade has come, so, no church tonight!  I have cabin fever, so, I put my ski clothes and snow boots on and went jogging.  You can't see it, but it is snowing to beat the band!  I'm loving it!  Last Thurs. night, I went out about 10:30 pm and shoveled our steps and sidewalks in the dark.  Then, Fri. night, I went jogging out in the dark in our neighborhood!  Before I retire tonight, I will lift weights!

Not saying all this to "brag" about living like a 28 year old when I'm two months from being 61, but rather just to say how THRILLED I am to be healthy and alive!  I live for winter.  I know the Lord made heat and summers too, but, my opinion is that's to remind us how awful and how hot hell will be!  Praise God the temps finally dropped below freezing in the fall, and we were able to say GOOD BYE to mosquitoes, flies, gnats, and those little black bugs that bite like the devil during harvest season here!  (Not a lot of snakes up here, but the few we do have are now out of site too!  Praise God)!

I know.   I nearly died two years ago due to a ski accident in WV.  But, please remember . . .  what made me a critical patient that nearly cost me my life and led to an ambulance and mediflight ride for $14,700.00, was not my fall on the slopes, but a mistake a young nurse made in the E. R.  (Total bill for all was $49,000.00, and I only skid one hour before the crash).

But I had to get back on the same horse that bucked me off, so last year, I skied once in Ohio and twice in Colorado!   (Thank the Lord, I did not fall even once, but, I DO SKI MUCH SLOWER NOW)!

I guess my sermon in all this is if all I could do at my age would be to sit in a rocking chair or a wheel chair and watch other people drive, jog, and ski, I'd rather just go to heaven.   Honestly, I feel like my desire to exercise and stay active not only helps my health, but is a huge help with my stress and gives me a great gusto to live and love life more!

So, let me challenge you to get out and walk, jog, go to the gym, ski, or when the snow melts, BUY A BIKE AND START RIDING IT!  I used my new iPhone flashlight to evade the pot holes in the roads tonight, and just for the adrenalin rush, I wore my ski helmet, goggles and ski jacket while jogging in the blizzard! 

Oh, and the look my wife Coletta gave me as I was leaving the house to jog?  I told her while I strapped my helmet on,  "Don't worry, no one in the neighborhood will know who I am!"  I think after the door shut she probably said, "Yes they will!"

But, she liked the giant heart I stomped out in our snow in the backyard when I returned tonight!  I brought her back to the kitchen window and showed it to her and said,  "This is for you!"  :-)

Life's a blast if you just keep getting up and go!  Try it!  You might just like it!  And who knows, your spouse and dog might need you to get out of the house tomorrow anyway!

I'm Jim Burns and that's "SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT!!"
