Perfect autumn weather, cool temperatures, sunshine, great Christian fellowship and challenging Bible sessions made this year's Fall Men's Retreat a special blessing. God used Terry Ginther's testimony Friday night and Jerry Thacker's heart felt and informative challenges Saturday about living with HIV, to help each of us face adversity by the grace of God. We had a total of 27 men from three different churches, and Camp Cotubic, Ohio was the perfect setting. Several men enjoyed sitting around the camp fire for hours while some played hillbilly golf and others went fishing. A few of our men even won a game of horse shoes. The food could not have been better, and we all came home with a renewed desire to life for Christ in the midst of opposition and set backs. Thank you to all the Pastors and church men who helped organize this year's retreat and for all who took time out of your busy schedules to go. We had four men from our church come that had never been with us before on this adventure! It's so neat to see men want to serve Christ and grow in the Lord. This is what it's all about!
That's something to think about! Email: