Last night, after a couple of late meetings after Awana at the Liberty Baptist Church of Van Wert, Ohio, My wife and I turned out the lights, set the alarm, and locked the church doors. We faced rain and severe wind as we jumped in our Dodge Mini-van, went through the McDonald's drive through, and drove home. As we entered our alley drive way, Coletta hollered out, "Jim, stop! There's a tree down!" I nearly hit the electric line, pulled out, parked in front of our house and went in our front door. I looked out our window and noticed that our tall pine tree between our house and the alley had snapped, blew over and landed on my neighbor's Buick. Part of the tree was also on their back porch. Sorry Paul and Linda.
The good news is that this morning a church member and three friends and neighbors helped Paul and me get the tree off the car, and cut the wood up with two chain saws. Paul's car is scratched up and dented, but thank the Lord, no broken glass. The city was quick to free the power line (it ended up being a large phone line), and cleared the alley, as the phone line was stretched across Main Street, and one pole across Main was so bowed I thought it would break. The police closed our block of Main Street until the phone line was raised. Thanks for the help every body! Thank God, no one was injured or killed.
Jim C. Burns